Technology is vital to helping your business run efficiently, but it’s easy for IT costs to start spiraling. Just because you don’t have in-depth knowledge of IT, don’t feel like you just need to keep throwing money at it. There are many efficiencies to be found in your IT spending if you know where to look for them.
Move to the cloud
Save on costs by moving your data and systems to the cloud. You’ll save money on hardware and support costs and won’t need to find office space to keep your equipment. Plus, with solutions available to help you manage your software and data from places like Mirantis, you can reduce your operational overheads and give your employees more time to spend on the tasks that really matter.
In addition to saving money, you’ll also benefit from better security and faster access. Cloud computer also lets you increase or decrease your resources as needed to cope with expansion or peaks inactivity. In order to successfully transition to the cloud, use your business IT support partner to plan and manage your migration.
Get competitive pricing from contractors
A great IT support partner is important. After all, you need to work with a company you can trust to support your business IT needs both now and in the future. Before you decide on a contractor, it’s good business to get multiple quotes in order to make sure that you aren’t paying too much. Where possible, try and get a like for like quote.
Price shouldn’t be the only factor in this decision but you want to make sure you’re getting good value. Don’t be afraid to switch to another contractor if you feel you’re paying too much.
Review your software
You’re probably using a number of different programs within your business. Take the opportunity to review these and assess which ones you still need, which ones you can consolidate, and if there are any better, cheaper options.
Often, software companies have freemium versions which allow you to use many of the features without having to pay. Don’t look to jump software too frequently, as the amount of time you spend moving from one platform to another can cost you a lot in man-hours, making it a false economy.
Lease equipment
Hardware can be expensive. Between the initial purchase price, repairs, and replacing items such as laptops and printers, why not lease them. Leasing allows you to get better quality tech for a fixed cost per month, which is great for cash flow. Also, most easing companies allow you to upgrade to the newest models after a specified period meaning you don’t have to work with outdated tech.
Review your spending regularly
At the end of the financial year, carefully analyze your IT spending. Look at areas where you’ve spent the most and look to make any savings you can. Plan any IT upgrades well in advance so that you are well prepared and able to look for the best pricing, rather than doing things last minute.
Keeping control of costs is good business sense. Your IT budget is an important part of finances and business strategy. Making good savings where you can enable you to divert savings to other projects.