Category: Electronics

5 Must-Know Tips For A More Secure BYOD Setup

Unsplash – CC0 License Companies are increasingly embracing the BYOD revolution. Firms want to give their staff the ability to bring their own devices to work (and then take them home and continue working on them there).  But while the concept sounds great in principle, it throws up …

How To Reduce Your IT Spend

Technology is vital to helping your business run efficiently, but it’s easy for IT costs to start spiraling. Just because you don’t have in-depth knowledge of IT, don’t feel like you just need to keep throwing money at it. There are many efficiencies to be found in your …

Esports – the Tournaments

A large part of the fun when playing esports is the opportunity to take part in tournaments. With this in mind, it is time to explore just what kinds of tournaments have been made available to gamers that have provided them with a chance of winning significant prize …

Are You Looking For a Job In The Tech Industry?

The tech industry continues to expand and hire top-notch employees with degrees in computer science, math and engineering. In San Francisco there are many tech job companies and college courses for students interested in a career in technology. Companies like Torc Robotics are almost always on the lookout …

Phones: Keep The Old One Or Upgrade?

Do you have your eyes set on the latest iPhone? The iPhone 12 has beaten previous records by becoming the most expensive iPhone model yet. Yet, it was lined up to be a game-changer form the start with its design, performance boost, and amazing camera tech – without …