People often underestimate just how wide a gulf separates a home Wi-Fi network from a business-grade Wi-Fi network, and this often leads to mistakes during the setup process. You need to know what the right package or provider is to go with, considering whether it is for business or personal purposes. It is also a good idea to compare cox internet prices and similar to know what the most affordable option is for you in regards to what it entails, perhaps certain TV access or high-speed connectivity. Anyway, with all this in mind, here are just four key things you must consider when putting your business Wi-Fi network together.
- How Many Access Points Do You Need?
Access points, usually routers, are only designed to cope with a certain number of devices at once. The key word here is ‘devices’; even if there are only a few actual users, they may each have several devices connected to your Wi-Fi network simultaneously. Take some time to estimate how many access points you require, then buy hardware based around that number – make sure you round up instead of down. Partnering with an IT company that offers managed services Lincoln, or at your business location, can be useful when determining business network requirements. They can not only help you with the hardware estimation, but also set up the systems for you and be an ongoing maintenance/security partner for your IT infrastructure.
- Where Do You Need Them?
It isn’t just the number of access points you need to consider – you should also be thinking about where those access points are going to go. For a relatively large building, it makes sense to spread them throughout the office, but you’ll have to account for the effect of obstructions and distance. You could also consider mounting them high or on the ceiling. If in doubt, there are several tools you can use to help strategically plan and place your business Wi-Fi access points.
- What Frequency Band Do You Need?
Most business Wi-Fi networks are going to use either 5GHz or 2.4GHz frequency bands. The frequency you choose is important, and you’ll need to take factors such as typical usage and device type into account as you make your selection.
- How Secure is the Network?
At the end of the day, security is paramount for a business-grade Wi-Fi network. You’ll need to consider how resilient your hardware and software is to attack, and you’ll want to check that all data is going to be backed up frequently through the cloud.
If you’re still confused about how to put together your business-grade Wi-Fi network, you should seek out professional assistance from an IT service provider.